Unifying performance and wellbeing. Integrating mind, body, and spirit. Voices and instruments in symphony. That is harmony.

Arrow pointing right

We are asking emerging leaders to literally save the world, while playing by the old rules that put us in this situation.

The next generation of leaders in nonprofits and corporations have the capabilities to drive impact in a diverse, complex world. The problem? They’re operating in the old paradigm of false choices and scarcity. The result: burnout, a brain drain from impact professions, exacerbating equity gaps, and undercutting revolutionary ideas. It’s time for a healthier form of leadership.

Learn about the principles of Harmonious Leadership >

The Soundtrack
(working together)

Your revolutionary ideas deserve harmony


Your revolutionary ideas deserve harmony


Your revolutionary ideas deserve harmony ✴︎ Your revolutionary ideas deserve harmony ✴︎

Arrow pointing right

Too bold. Too audacious. Too (insert color here). Too hip-hop. 100% Troublemaker.

Meet Mohan, aka the Batman of Social Impact. Through social impact leadership and culture shaping, Mohan has a track record of setting the right tone, creating the arrangements, and orchestrating transformative change - individually and collectively. 

If you are comfortable with the status quo, you are in the wrong place. But you’re hungry for disruption. You know that you – and your team – have ideas that deserve curation. Let’s ignite your harmony.

Bobby Jones and Afdhel Aziz – coauthors of Good is the New Cool and The Principles of Purpose

“Mohan is at the forefront of a global awakening to the collective responsibility we have as citizens, businesses, and institutions to use our voices and resources to address the urgent issues and injustices threatening our world.”

Let's create together


Let's create together

Let's create together ✴︎ Let's create together